Kai Sieveke


Kai Sieveke

FTX Desaster und *Coin-Absturz

In Zahlreichen Artikeln wird von unüberwindbaren Hürden für die Coins gesprochen. Betroffen sind hier sowohl die bekanntesten wie z.B. die BitCoin, aber auch alle sog. Alt-Coins auf dem Markt. Durch das FTX Desaster fallen die Kurse ins Bodenlose. Das Vertrauen der Investoren und Anleger ist geschächt – und wird nicht zuletzt durch die [...]

Kai SievekeKai Sieveke

Preconditions for efficiency

Ways to do work are merely different… My preconditions for an efficient workmode I spend the majority of my time doing deep work and value my focus. This is not compatible with modern society’s interruption culture, which is why I disable most notifications on my devices and keep them silent most of the time. Ok – have I [...]

Kai SievekeKai Sieveke

Never give up…

One day, when I decided to give up… It was one seemingly ordinary day when I decided  to QUIT… All of a sudden I made a decision to quit my job, my relationship and finally my spirituality. I just wanted to quit my life. But before that, I went to the wood to have one last talk with God. I started: “God, can you give me one good [...]

Kai SievekeKai Sieveke

“Focus. You can always do the other stuff later.”

“Those who would surrender freedom in order to gain security will end up losing both.”
Benjamin Franklin
“Intelligent poeple seldomly work and if they do, they don’t like it.”
Hans Habe